Monday, September 27, 2010

Four years ago..

Four years ago I was 11. Back then I was really bad and had all my privileges taken away because of the stupid stuff I would do. It was wrong and I know how much I messed up, but I've learned from my mistakes! When I was 11, I couldn't hang out with friends or go to the movies. I had to be inside the house by 4:30 and if I was late I was in deep trouble! I couldn't hang out with my own sisters at their house because I would lie and go to my friends house instead. I couldn't be trusted. I was introduced to many bad things, but luckily I gave it up to be a better person. Now I can go with my friends with a midnight curfew. I can hang out with my sister and her friends with no curfew, but at least 1 call home. I can stay out as late as I want to, but if I have school the next day I must wake up and go and not wake up late and rushing! When I was 11, I knew things I wasn't supposed to know such as open a barred window to sneak in and out at night, but luckily those days are over. Now I am 15 about to be 16 and I don't none of that anymore!

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