Monday, September 27, 2010

My favorite season is..

Out of the 365 days in a year and out of the 4 seasons, winter is favorite! I love the cold, the wind, the thunderstorms and the rain! Something about it all relaxes me. I love the cold winters, the rainy days, the lightning that gives my room light at night, and the loud thunder that roars! Whether it rains, storms or hails you can find me at the park with my friends in our soccer shorts and a shirt, no sweater! It's weird how I don't get sick if I walk in the rain, but I can sick in the middle of summer! That's why I hate the heat! In the stormiest nights of the worst storm there can be, I sit outside and watch how the Earth works and how these things of nature happen. I try giving reasons and I try to figure out how it all works! I live for the stormy soccer nights and the cold mornings. I live for the fog that comes out when you breathe and just sitting outside on your porch watching every rain drop fall one by one from your roof to the ground! I live for the big sweaters to keep you warm and the wet grass smell. When its winter, I go to the beach more than in the summer because I love watching the water from up above combine with the water here on Earth. I love watching the waves and how they get bigger and bigger with the moon! When it stops raining and the stars come out, I love counting them and watching them twinkle. Late at night, when the rain calms down a bit, I put on my jacket and my sweats and lay on the wet grass and just look at the stars! The reason I love the winter and the rain so much is because I feel as if my loved ones up above are trying to communicate with me, they're trying to tell me something. They send messages with every twinkle in a star and with every rain drop that falls from the sky! They make me feel better! They let me know they're still there, watching me, taking care of me! These cold nights are what I live for, this is what I love!!


  1. It is rather wierd how you can get sick in the summer but not the winter lol , i guess your lucky because im just the opposite. Overall, your response was very descriptive, good job.

  2. I bet you are loving the weather right now. Nice descriptions. I enjoyed reading it.
